oi! this week was very rough, we had four datas that fell. the hardest one was of un rapaz that is 23 years old and he was so prepared, he truly has a testimony of this gospel and he knows this is the only true church but he isn't willing to give up marijuana. it was very hard to hear that and to see someone fall away from the path that will lead them to happiness. at first i thought that i did something wrong, maybe i didn't have enough faith or i didn't teach him correctly, or i wasn't being exactly obedient, but then i was reading in Enos and he talks about how the nephites taught with all diligence to the lamanites but they didn't listen and they remained in their iniquity. i know that i can always do better, always improve but after reading Enos i felt comforted and i realized that you can teach someone a million times but they will always have their agency. i know that i put my whole heart and strength into teaching Felipe and its so sad to see him like this but i know that the Lord is good and just, he gives people never ending chances and i have complete faith that one day Felipe will have the courage to leave the things of the world and be baptized. although this week was very hard i learned so many things. i learned that you always have to have trust in the Lord, not just during the good times but also the rough times, and the Lord also has his own timetable i have to be humble and realize that i don't know the plans of the Lord and i just have to have faith that everything will work out. i'm so grateful for the opportunity to be serving here and im grateful for the trials that help me grow, i'm also grateful for the immense sadness that i felt because that is how i know i am loving the people.
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